Headshot of mirabai singer, Elizabeth McFarland

Elizabeth McFarland

Elizabeth Hogan McFarland works with future educators at Southeast Missouri State University, where she is the Assistant Professor of Music Education. She holds her PhD in Learning, Teaching and Curriculum with emphases on choral conducting and vocal pedagogy at the University of Missouri. Elizabeth earned her MM from Michigan State University in Choral Conducting, her BS in Education from the University of Missouri, and her Artist Teacher Certificate through the Choral Music Experience Institute. She studied conducting with Dr. Paul Crabb, Dr. David Rayl, Dr. Jonathan Reed, and Dr. Sandra Snow and voice with Prof. Ann Harrell. Her research/teaching mentor is Dr. Wendy Sims.

As an active clinician, adjudicator and coach, Dr. McFarland brings a passion for helping people discover beauty in themselves and the world around them through the study of music. She has presented posters and workshops at conferences of the Missouri Choral Director’s Association, Missouri Music Educators Association, ACDA’s Southwestern Division Conference and the National Middle School/Junior High Conference. She has conducted honor choirs in Missouri, Arkansas, and Pennsylvania. Dr. McFarland serves the American Choral Directors Association as the Repertoire and Standards Chairperson for Youth and Student Activities for the Southwestern Division, and previously served Missouri ACDA in this same capacity. She will begin a term as the collegiate NAfME advisor for the Missouri Music Educators Association in January 2018. Her research focuses on school-community partnerships involving choral music. She strives to be an advocate and supporter of young choral music professionals.